The Amazing Spider-Man Review

So here we are in July and this Marvel movie has finally come out, in this summer of cool, crazy and interesting films I feel I have to give my opinion one of the most important films of the year (for me at least), The Amazing Spider-Man. Also bare in mind that I was meant to have this review out on the 4th of July the day after the film came out but I ran into complications recording my YouTube review and then I moved into my new house which currently doesn’t have internet, so that’s why it has taken me this long to get it online, sorry! XD

Now I have made it no secret that I have been waiting for this film for ages, with my interest in the film building from the time the set videos were posted up online during early production of the film to the latest film trailers that have been showcasing more interesting and original elements about the film. Just after The Avengers had come out and blew me out of the water I had sort of forgotten about The Amazing Spider-Man until all the trailers and TV spots started showing up out of nowhere and nearly blew up the internet! Okay maybe it wasn’t that bad but the fact of the matter was that the marketing and advertising for this film was pretty quiet up until May/June time where nearly everything about the film became public knowledge to those willing to look at it.

So was it good? Well unlike my normal reviews where I write a proper descriptive review I have decided to show you my YouTube review which perfectly illustrates the way I feel about this film because I found it easier to put into a video format than that of a written one. And I have also put a written conclusion at the bottom for those who want a more concise summary of my thoughts on the film. Hopefully you enjoy the review yo:


In conclusion I would say that The Amazing Spider-Man is a successful reboot of the Spider-Man film series. It takes the source material that we know from the comics and previous Spider-Man film and reworks and updates it for a new audience. With a cool story, great performances from Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone and cracking practical and special effects, this film is a nice little film to show up in between the hype of The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises. Some will call this film the best Spider-Man ever either because of its close links to the source material or if they purely didn’t like the Sam Raimi films ad are looking for something a little more realistic. For me this film was interesting and even pretty damn cool in some areas, but the fact remains that it just didn’t leave me with that sense or awe and magic that comes with most superhero films. So the film isn’t perfect and it definitely has its flaws, it didn’t blow me away and in no way will it replace my love for The Avengers, but I will recommend it for casual audiences and comic book fans alike. The Amazing Spider-Man is a lot of fun and I will be watching it again. 😀

Rating: 7.5

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