Me and my love for TV shows!

Howdy ladies and gents, time for another blog post about me, but this time it’s about me and my love for TV. Now TV is something I’ve loved since childhood and it has shaped me into the dude I am today in a lot of ways, but its only in the last few years that it has become an essential part of my life especially in the live-action department. And since I talk mainly about films,  wanted to make a blog post that focused on my TV obsession just to let you know that I do watch it haha. 🙂

Now before we start just wanted to mention that I won’t be talking about cartoons in this post because consider them to be a totally separate entity from live-action shows and if I were to put them in the mix then I’d be writing and debating with myself for ages. Cartoons will have their own separate blog post, eventually. Anyways let’s move on.

Anyways let’s start!

The Early Days

When I saw a child the only stuff I watched was cartoons, that was my life right there. Even when I started to grow up and become a teenager and the people around me started moving on to live-action TV shows I still remained the same. There were a few exceptions like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Kenan and Kel, Moesha, Sister Sister, Malcolm in the Middle, My Wife and Kids and The Amanda Show that are nostalgic and I will always save a soft spot for. But other than those shows, there was never any live-action telly that I liked. However there are only TWO shows that I ever loved in my teen years and they are Hotel Babylon and The IT Crowd. Now Hotel Babylon I found randomly while skimming through TV and it was the first show I got attached to, but around series 3 it got pants and I dropped the show midway through series 4. As for The IT Crowd, that was my first TV obsession and it is the only TV show I’ve ever followed and consistently watched from its inception until the end. One of the funniest and best TV shows I’ll ever know.

My Childhood TV Shows

When I Moved To Uni

It wasn’t until I moved to uni in 2011 when I started to watch TV shows properly. And while it was mainly the one’s that were currently airing at the time, I found this window of TV shows that I never expected to like and now love thanks to the recommendation from friends. I think my first love was Fringe, such an amazing sci-fi show with characters I love and adore. Then there’s Community, the first comedy-based show outside of The IT Crowd I fell in love with that’s to its crazy cast of characters and insanely good parody episodes and pop-culture references. I also decided to re-watch 30 Rock from the beginning and found one of the strangest and most entertaining comedy shows I have ever seen that’s to it’s overly strange and elaborate storylines and cast.

Boardwalk Empire was another show I fell in love with due to its deep stories and characters and long build up to satisfying conclusions. It was also at this point I jumped on the Breaking Bad hype and discovered the incredible TV I’d been missing over the last few years, the incredible adventures of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman were too good to ignore. Game of Thrones was another show I was hooked on thanks to the incredible cast, action and violence and mythology. And I think Sherlock was the other show I became addicted to thanks to the incredibly smart storylines and the lovely Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.

My Current Fav TV Shows

These Days

At this current point in time I’m hopping forward and back in time with TV shows. Besides the shows I just mentioned that are still currently airing, I currently am watching: the-okay-but-needs-to-get-better Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I’m on and off with The Walking Dead, a show which I really like but has been hard to watch because of season 4’s rocky introduction. Grimm is a show I really ought to start watching especially after how addicted I was to the last two seasons. In between new shows I’ve been going back to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and discovering that for the first time and loving what I’ve seen so far. Even before Buffy I decided to go a Joss Whedon hype and go through all of his TV stuff and liked Dollhouse, but LOVED Firefly, such a short but incredible sci-fi show with a great cast of characters that remind me a lot of Cowboy Bebop. And yesterday I started a new obsession in the form of Parks and Recreation, it is a bizarre comedy show with a weird premise and funky cast of characters in main and supporting departments, but is what makes it so good. Really liking what I’m seeing so far and I’m only on season two.

Current Watching TV Shows

My All-Time Favourite Shows

  1. Breaking Bad
  2. Fringe
  3. The IT Crowd
  4. Firefly
  5. Hotel Babylon

I know this list isn’t very long but I haven’t seen that much TV and still have much to get through.

My Favourite Currently Airing Shows

  1. Game of Thrones
  2. Boardwalk Empire
  3. Sherlock
  4. Community
  5. The Walking Dead

Okay well that is it, that you for reading and hopefully that has given you some insight into the world of TV that I like to watch. Feel free to comment below and tell me what you think and possibly tell me your own kind of TV stuff that you’re into. Until the next time peeps, laters! 😀

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