Joe Quesada On Marvel’s Netflix Series; Reveals That It Will Be Set In The MCU

Good day to you ladies and gentlemen, how are you all doing? Good I hope, anyways I’m here to deliver some Marvel news again, except this time it concerns their upcoming Netflix series that they will begin making later on this year. The following information comes from ComicBookMovie:


Many fans assumed that Marvel’s Netflix shows, consisting of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Defenders shows, will take place during the MCU, while others weren’t quite sure. Joe Quesada recently confirmed on the Fat Man On Batman podcast that they will. “There will be some interconnectivity, much like the movies,” revealed Quesada. “They will exist within the cinematic universe again, so this is all the same world as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers.” He also talked more about introducing street-level characters and elaborates on how unique the characters are and how they are different than the other characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “Although these are superhero stories, this is different now. This is the street level…this is the street level noir side of the Marvel Universe. Something that you haven’t really, really seen in any of our Marvel movies,” said Quesada. “And probably more ground level, than I think you’ve seen. This is not like us doing Batman, Dark Knight or any of that stuff. This is very Marvel doing street level superheroes.” He also says that they are starting to finish off their scripts to get the series started soon, and talk about how emotional some of them are.  “The scripts are coming in. They are pretty fantastic. They’re really emotional. They’re very, very original. But at the same time, it is Daredevil. It is Matt Murdock. We will eventually, hopefully start casting really, really soon, but I’m very, very excited about it.” With filming expected to start soon, we will all look out for some set photos in the future which should reveal the costumes in the series. Quesada reveals that we should expect to see the Daredevil series take place in Hell’s Kitchen, which should hopefully excite many fans. “We’re shooting in New York. That’s the fantastic thing about it is that we’re shooting at home. We’re shooting where these characters belong,” said Quesada. “These stories take place in Hell’s Kitchen.” He described the Daredevil set briefly, saying that it “smells of dark alley, vomit, and piss.”

Well after that all I can say is thank god! Honestly I sort of knew and hoped that these new Netflix series’ would be part of the MCU, I mean the people at Marvel would be kind of silly not to include them, but just getting this reassurance from one the people involved just give me hope for the future and allows me to rest easy. I like how smaller, yet still significant Marvel characters like Daredevil and Iron Fist are finally getting the spotlight they deserve, while of course it is on the small screen and properly won’t get as much exposure as they would in a massive film, I feel like it’s still good that these characters are getting a chance to be all that they can be in these specialized TV shows and from the way Quesada talks about them it seems like he understands what makes them special and unique. I’m really liking the sound of “street level noir”, I’m getting series Batman: The Animated Series vibes from that and if it anything as good as that show it terms of its style, atmosphere and tone then we’re in for a good show. I’m curious to see how the character of Daredevil is handled, how much will his powers factor into play? Will be super, super-powered or be a little more grounded and realistic? And talking about realism, what kind of realism is this show gonna go for, will be in line with what we’ve seen in the MCU already or will it be even more realistic? I know I’m asking a lot of questions, but those are the things I think a lot of people want to know.

The only thing I’m concerned about is the tone. Since this isn’t directly tied to television or film, there are opportunities for these new filmmakers to take these comic book properties in very dark, adult and interesting places considering the source material they’re working with. I’m just wondering since it is set in the same universe as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and films like Avengers, will they be able to blend or will they be treated separately with the old passing reference and easter eggs lurking around? So many questions to ask and no way to know until the shows happen. I guess we’ll find out once Daredevil eventually shows up.

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