Pokemon X and Y Announced For 3DS Out In October 2013! With Awesome New Tailer!


Well this was a nice surprise to wake up to. I knew that there was going to be some big news for the Pokemon series announced this week, but to find out that it was a new Pokemon game for the 3DS, that was in full 3D and that it was also going to be out by October this year? Cool. While I wasn’t fussed about the whole Black and White series, I decided to wait for the next set of games that would show up for the 3DS… Then today I saw the announcement trailer and I basically blew up! Just check it out below:

Damn. All I can say it’s about time. Pokemon has needed to make that graphical leap from 2D to 3D for quite some time and the end result in this video looks incredible! I mean this is the exact style which I thought the game would take; taking on the new 3D graphics but with the 2D look still intact similar to cel-shaded visuals. If I had to compare this new look to other games of a similar style to Dragon Quest IX and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn for the DS where the 3D visuals are dominant but still have the 2D elements still there too. Pokemon X and Y seems like it has a lot of the 3D visuals that were implemented in Black and White when you’re running around in the overworld, but now it’s all 3D, colourful, dynamic and fresh.

The changes in camera angles and the way that you move throughout the worlds looks even fancier than before. And then the in-game battles… HOLY CHRIST WHAT AN UPGRADE! Visually the Pokemon characters look classically 2D but are not in full 3D sporting even more animation and style than before. Even the environments look vivid and support and dynamic camera that follows the action. There are all of these new and fancy animations like Pokemon land on the ground grass appears beneath them, Pokemon attacks are now in 3D too, Pokemon also move when it comes to physical attacks and support damage animations when getting hit (like in Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Battle Revolution).


Here are our three new starter Pokemon in the form of Chespin, Froakie and Fennekin.

Along with the trailer Nintendo announced that Pokemon X and Pokemon Y would be launched together exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS. Well since this game is coming in October that means the game must have been in development for quite some time, Nintendo and Game Freak are always working on new Pokemon games releasing them annually and while I wasn’t fussed about Black and White, but still want to try out Black and White Version 2, Pokemon X and Y could be some interesting stuff. While there’s no word on whether the game mechanics have upgraded or changed, al I know is that October 2013 will be an important point in the year for us gamers yo!

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